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来源:图书馆  时间:2024-09-23 16:52:07  浏览:

A new semester means a fresh start. Get your semester started right by practicing these strategies, and your productivity will soar.


1. Get organized


Organization helps you reduce chaos and stress, thus making you more productive. Develop a system at the start of your semester. This may include:


◆Color coded notebooks and/or folders for each class


◆A planner with important dates and deadlines filled out


◆Cleaning out your backpack, desk, and dorm room to reduce clutter from previous semesters


◆Organizing your computer files (e.g., by school year, semester, course, and assignment type or project)


If you keep track of deadlines, know where to find everything, and maintain a well-organized space, you free up your mind to focus on learning and achieving.


2. Get into a routine


Like being organized, establishing a routine helps your life run smoothly.


It’s easier said than done, but try waking up and going to sleep around the same time each day (or at least on weekdays). Schedule time for the gym, any clubs or activities you participate in, and studying. Instead of waiting until the last minute to work on assignments or cram in information, set aside studying/homework blocks each day. Choose a time of day when you feel especially productive.


Start each day on a positive note by preparing the night before. For instance, set out the outfit you’ll wear to class and pack your backpack with the supplies you’ll need that day. Instead of frantically scrambling around in the morning, you’ll begin the day feeling confident and prepared. Ultimately, these small habits make a big difference in your overall mood and performance.


3. Surround yourself with motivated peers


Maybe you’ve heard the saying,“Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future.”It may sound dramatic, but it’s true that the people you spend the most time with have a major influence on you. If your friends are partying every night, skipping class, and seemingly unconcerned about their grades, staying motivated will be an uphill battle for you.

也许你听过这句话:“你身边的朋友决定你的未来。”这也许听起来有些夸张,但是你与之交往时间最长的人对你会产生重大影响,这是事实。如果你的朋友夜夜狂欢,逃课,对成绩毫不在意,那么保持斗志对你来说会非常困难。Try to make at least one positive friend in every class. Meet ambitious people with clearly defined goals, good study habits, and healthy lifestyles. These friends can help you stay accountable, and they make great study buddies too.


4. Take good care of yourself


Finally, remember to practice self-care and healthy habits. When you eat poorly and don’t get enough sleep, it impacts your mood and your mind. You may feel fuzzy and forgetful, and you’ll have a tough time learning new concepts. Obviously, this is not helpful for a successful semester.


Eat nutritious meals (as often as you can), exercise, and get plenty of rest. Studying in small chunks instead of relying on cram sessions is one way to ensure you sleep enough.


Creating new habits is tough at first. Stick with it, and you’ll find that you’re far more productive and successful—and probably happier, too.

